Tanatus Miniatures produce a small range of Dark Age figures. Although labelled as Saxons and Picts, they are fairly generic and could be used for a wider range of Dark Age warriors.
The figures are not as squat-looking as some other manufacturers, being much more anatomically correct.. There is a pleasing amount of fine detail which my photography skills are not good enough to bring out! There was a fair bit of moulding flash on my samples, but nothing that was hard to remove. Spears are separate but supplied in the pack with the figures. I thought they were a bit on the chunky side though. Maybe a move to wire spears would be the way to go?
The Tanatus range is available from North Star Military Figures.
Here are a couple of comparison photos:
The first shows, from left to right, Tanatus, Artizan, Crusader, Foundry.
This next shows left to right, Tanatus, Gripping Beast plastic, Redoubt, Renegade,
Looking for 28mm historical miniature figures? This blog is a database of manufacturers showing who makes what. I am also adding photos showing figures from different makers side by side. The 'Directory' tab has a list of manufacturers showing what ranges they make and a link to their website. The other tabs list what figures are available for that period.
I dont know what do you think about these miniatures but I m really imprested of their quality. They are really beautiful