Thursday 12 December 2019

New American Civil War Range

AW Miniatures have recently launched a new range of American Civil War figures.

For a new range it looks to be surprisingly comprehensive, with fifty-odd different packs available covering both armies. So go and 'av a shufti...

Monday 11 November 2019


Shako64 has been added to the Directory.

It appears to be a small operation based in Italy, producing a nice little range of figures for the Risorgimento.

The website (blog?) has some good photos of the figures painted up, so go and 'av a shufti...

Monday 14 October 2019

Three Armies Update

I've updated the Directory and the Napoleonics page to reflect the changed situation at Three Armies.

Briefly, the Three Armies website has closed and the range is now available from Emperor Toads Emporium .

It would also appear that Emperor Toads is expanding its Napoleonic ranges, particularly the Revolutionary Wars stuff. They have some very useful, rarely modelled figures such as Vendeans and Piedmontese, for example.

So get on over and have a shufti...

Firing line in casquette Soldiers of the Ancien Regime

Monday 7 October 2019

Qart Hadasht Miniaturas...

Qart Hadasht Miniaturas are based in Spain and produce 28mm ranges of Spanish Napoleonic and Spanish AWI figures. I don't know much else about them beyond that, but they do have lots of nice photos of their figures on their website. So go over and have a shufti!

Friday 27 September 2019

Stonewall Figures

Stonewall Figures has been added to the directory.

Among a variety of other stuff, they now own the ex-Warmodelling/Capitan Games ranges. In 28mm that includes Napoleonic Spanish and various sailors! There will shortly be added an American Civil War range as well.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

May '40 Miniatures

May '40 Miniatures have been added to the Directory.

Based in the Netherlands I believe, they make a very useful range of WW2 Dutch troops.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Tercios Miniatures

Tercios Miniatures have been added to the directory.

Based in Spain, they make both Spanish and Low Countries figures for the Dutch Revolt (also known as the Eighty Years War) plus an Ottomans range. They are also currently working on an upcoming Polish/Lithuanian range according to their website.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Mike Bravo Miniatures

Mike Bravo Miniatures have been added to the Directory.

They are a new(ish) operation based near Bath in England. Surprisingly, given the location, they don't do Romans! Quite the opposite end of the historical spectrum in fact.

The range encompasses a nice selection of Cold War and later military and civilian figures...

State of Emergency (W79)

Monday 1 July 2019


Another manufacturer has been added to the Directory today.

Unreleased Miniatures are based in Poland and focus mostly on fantasy-type figures. However, they do have a small historical range of Polish winged hussars...

Tuesday 25 June 2019

And another one....

Dog Tag Miniatures has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

They have a small range of WW2 Soviets and Italians mostly revolving around motorbikes!

I have listed the Italians as being suitable for European and North African theatres, although it is not totally clear from the website. The figures appear to be wearing trousers rather than shorts, but come with a selection of separate heads in a range of headgear. So it seems that you can get both steel and tropical helmets.

Monday 24 June 2019

Directory Update...

Crucible Crush has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

Based in Canada, they currently produce WW2 8th Army figures and Native American tribes of the Great Lakes region. More stuff is planned, so keep an eye on them...

Monday 10 June 2019

Added a manufacturer...

I've found another manufacturer!

Jerwood Miniatures have a small range of modern/21st Century figures focussing mostly on Eastern European forces.

ES001 Estonain Advancing

Thursday 9 May 2019

Forgotten And Glorious...

Sad news today. It would appear that Forgotten And Glorious have closed down and that their figure lines are no longer available.

If anyone has any further information maybe they could let us know in the comments section. Ta!

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Great Escape Games update...

The Great Escape Games listing has been updated to include their new WW2 lines.

These include German, Italian, and Soviet figures.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Conquest Miniatures update...

Conquest Miniatures (not to be confused with Conquest Games!) seem to have disappeared. Their website is defunct and I can't find any sign of a new one.

However, they had a distribution deal with Warlord Games who still list the Conquest figures on their website.

As far as I'm aware, Conquest was a one-man-band operation. So maybe he has sold the rights to the figures to Warlord, or maybe just sole distribution rights?

If anyone has any further information perhaps they could let me know!