

The following is a list of all the manufacturers of 28mm WW1 figures that I could find.

I have listed them as their makers describe them. This can lead to some confusion as different manufacturers have different ideas about how to describe their figures! As an example, the British described as being in tropical dress may well be used in the Middle East or Africa. Or maybe they are not suitable, depending on how picky the purchaser is!

For 'clickable' links to the manufacturers' websites, please go to the Directory tab.

  • Anzacs - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, EMP Games, Eureka Miniatures, Foundry Miniatures, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Lancashire Games, Tin Soldier UK, Warrior Miniatures, 
  • Arabs - Artizan Designs, Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Gaddis Gaming, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Tin Soldier UK, Warrior Miniatures, 
  • Austro-Hungarians - Acheson Creations, Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Gaddis Gaming, Old Glory 25s, Scarab Miniatures, 
  • Belgians - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Brigade Models, Gaddis Gaming, Great War Miniatures, Irregular Miniatures, 
  • British (Africa) - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Gaddis Gaming, 
  • British (Europe, Early War) - Battle Honors, CP Models, Dixon Miniatures, Empress Miniatures, Footsore Miniatures, Foundry Miniatures, Gaddis Gaming, Great War Miniatures, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Mutton Chop Miniatures, Reiver Castings, Reviresco Tin-Soldier, Scarab Miniatures, 
  • British (Europe, Late War) - Brigade Games, Dixon Miniatures, First Corps, Foundry Miniatures, Great War Miniatures, Irregular Miniatures, Mutton Chop Miniatures, Old Glory 25s, 
  • British (Middle East) - Battle Honors, Eureka Miniatures, Gaddis Gaming, Warrior Miniatures, 
  • British (Tropical Dress) - Copplestone Castings, Forgotten Front Miniatures, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Tin Soldier UK, 
  • French (Europe, Early War) - Battle Honors, Ebor Miniatures, Foundry Miniatures, Gaddis Gaming, Great War Miniatures, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Steve Barber Models,  
  • French (Europe, Late War) - Brigade Games, Forgotten And Glorious Company Of Art, Foundry Miniatures, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Old Glory 25s, Scarab Miniatures, Wargames Atlantic, 
  • Germans (Africa) - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Gaddis Gaming, Pulp Figures, 
  • Germans (Europe, Early War) - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Dixon Miniatures, Empress Miniatures, Forgotten Front Miniatures, Foundry Miniatures, Gaddis Gaming, Great War Miniatures, Irregular Miniatures, Mutton Chop Miniatures, Reiver Castings, Reviresco Tin-Soldier, Steve Barber Models, 
  • Germans (Europe, Late War) - Brigade Games, First Corps, Foundry Miniatures, Great War Miniatures, Irregular Miniatures, Old Glory 25s, Pulp Figures, Reviresco Tin-Soldier, Scarab Miniatures, Wargames Atlantic, 
  • Germans (Middle East) - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Gaddis Gaming, 
  • Gurkhas - Copplestone Castings, Eureka Miniatures, Gripping Beast, 
  • Indians - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Copplestone Castings, Gaddis Gaming, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Tin Soldier UK, Warrior Miniatures, 
  • Italians - Brigade Games, Old Glory 25s, Scarab Miniatures,
  • Montenegroans - Old Glory 25s,
  • Russians - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Empress Miniatures, Eureka Miniatures, Forgotten Front Miniatures, Gaddis Gaming, Irregular Miniatures, Leonid, Old Glory 25s, Scarab Miniatures, Siberia Miniatures, Wee Wolf Miniatures,
  • Serbians - Battle Honors, Gaddis Gaming, Old Glory 25s, 
  • Turks - Battle Honors, Brigade Games, Copplestone Castings, EMP Games, Eureka Miniatures, Forgotten Front Miniatures, Gaddis Gaming, Gripping Beast, Irregular Miniatures, Tin Soldier UK, Warrior Miniatures, 
  • United States - Brigade Games, Great War Miniatures, Old Glory 25s,


  1. Askari miniatures makes early war French from North Africa.

    Tiger Miniatures makes figures that would work for Serbians, some Turks, Montenegrins and Bulgarians.

  2. WW1 Bulgarians and Serbian are made by Eureka Miniatures. They are excellent. They are sculpted by Dmitry Malyshew.
