Well. Bit of a complicated range to review, this one. Heroes of the Dark Age produce several ranges of "28mm Fantasy and Dark Age figures". Figures suitable for the Dark Ages can be found in their "Heroes", "Dark Ages", "Saxons", "Vikings" and "Normans" ranges.
Care should be taken when purchasing, as each range is by a different sculptor and varies considerably in size! As stated on the website, their Saxon, Norman and Viking figures are 32mm in height. The different ranges also vary in style. The Saxon and Viking ranges for example, come with weapons cast in one piece with the figure. The shields are separate and some figures can be used with or without. The Dark Ages range figures though, have no hands! These are cast with the separate weapons and shields.
The company produces a good range of very individual miniatures, some of which will appeal more to wargamers and others to those involved in role-play type games. I liked the examples of the Saxon and Viking ranges but it is a shame about their size. My army can only accommodate so many giants!
This photo has four figures from Heroes of the Dark Age. The two on the left are examples of their Saxon range, while the two on the right are from their Dark Ages range.
This photo is a comparison shot featuring, from the left, Heroes of the Dark Age Saxon range, Heroes of the Dark Age 'Dark Age' range, Gripping Beast plastic figure, Crusader Miniatures.
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