
Thursday, 31 January 2013

Tanatus Miniatures

Tanatus Miniatures produce a small range of Dark Age figures. Although labelled as Saxons and Picts, they are fairly generic and could be used for a wider range of Dark Age warriors.

The figures are not as squat-looking as some other manufacturers, being much more anatomically correct.. There is a pleasing amount of fine detail which my photography skills are not good enough to bring out! There was a fair bit of moulding flash on my samples, but nothing that was hard to remove. Spears are separate but supplied in the pack with the figures. I thought they were a bit on the chunky side though. Maybe a move to wire spears would be the way to go?

The Tanatus range is available from North Star Military Figures.

Here are a couple of comparison photos:

The first shows, from left to right, Tanatus, Artizan, Crusader, Foundry.

This next shows left to right, Tanatus, Gripping Beast plastic, Redoubt, Renegade,

1 comment:

  1. I dont know what do you think about these miniatures but I m really imprested of their quality. They are really beautiful
