
Tuesday, 30 June 2020


While visiting various manufacturers' websites to check for new releases to keep the listings here up to date, I noticed that V&V Miniatures have released a range for the Crusades.

To my uneducated eye they appear to be most suitable for the 3rd Crusade, and include both Crusaders and Arabs.

They are made of resin, which does put some people off! They are, however, lovely looking figures...

Crusaders Crossbowmen

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Wargames Atlantic - new releases...

The first batch of releases from Wargames Atlantic are now available to buy!

There are four sets of plastic figures, one each of Ancient Persians, Dark Age Irish, 19th Century Afghans, and WW1 Germans. 

They have local distributors in the USA and UK and look like pretty good value with plenty of stuff in each box.

So pop over to their website for a shufti...

German Infantry (1916-1918)

Friday, 5 June 2020

New Barons' War range...

Footsore Miniatures has launched an excellent-looking new range of figures for the Barons' War. Obviously they will be useful for other 13th Century conflicts as well...

William Marshal & Bannerman