
Monday, 14 October 2019

Three Armies Update

I've updated the Directory and the Napoleonics page to reflect the changed situation at Three Armies.

Briefly, the Three Armies website has closed and the range is now available from Emperor Toads Emporium .

It would also appear that Emperor Toads is expanding its Napoleonic ranges, particularly the Revolutionary Wars stuff. They have some very useful, rarely modelled figures such as Vendeans and Piedmontese, for example.

So get on over and have a shufti...

Firing line in casquette Soldiers of the Ancien Regime

Monday, 7 October 2019

Qart Hadasht Miniaturas...

Qart Hadasht Miniaturas are based in Spain and produce 28mm ranges of Spanish Napoleonic and Spanish AWI figures. I don't know much else about them beyond that, but they do have lots of nice photos of their figures on their website. So go over and have a shufti!