
Tuesday, 25 June 2019

And another one....

Dog Tag Miniatures has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

They have a small range of WW2 Soviets and Italians mostly revolving around motorbikes!

I have listed the Italians as being suitable for European and North African theatres, although it is not totally clear from the website. The figures appear to be wearing trousers rather than shorts, but come with a selection of separate heads in a range of headgear. So it seems that you can get both steel and tropical helmets.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Directory Update...

Crucible Crush has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

Based in Canada, they currently produce WW2 8th Army figures and Native American tribes of the Great Lakes region. More stuff is planned, so keep an eye on them...

Monday, 10 June 2019

Added a manufacturer...

I've found another manufacturer!

Jerwood Miniatures have a small range of modern/21st Century figures focussing mostly on Eastern European forces.

ES001 Estonain Advancing