
Monday, 23 April 2018

Today's update...

When your website is your shop window it is important to make it easy to see what you sell and for customers to easily navigate their way around. Sounds obvious doesn't it? So why do so many companies get seduced by confusing flashy layout and graphics?

Today's example is Gripping Beast . Sorry guys, I love your products but the website layout is a pain to navigate!

Hidden away under the 'other' menu is a range that I didn't know existed! And I've done the research. Look around this blog!

So I've now added the MoFo Modern Forces range. This consists of figures for the Falklands War, as well as some more generic Mercenaries, African Militia, and some 1990s US Rangers and Delta Force.

FWB06 British Troops (SLRs Advancing) (4)

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Spectre Miniatures

Spectre Miniatures have been added to the Directory today.

Yet another outfit based in Nottingham, they produce a range of 21st Century troops, special forces, insurgents, and the like. They also have a range of vehicles which are scaled to 1/50, and a set of rules.