
Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Leonid Miniatures

Leonid is another enigma. There is a small range of medieval and WW1 figures on the Siberia Miniatures website listed as Leonid. This appears to be the only place they can be sourced.

Is Leonid a person, maybe a mate of Siberia? Or a small startup outsourcing their distribution? Who knows! Anyway, have a picture...

Monday, 26 February 2018

News roundup...

A quick 'news roundup' post today to catch up on a couple of developments over the last week or two.

So first off, Black Hat Miniatures have announced that they are selling their 25/28mm ranges to a slightly enigmatic 'other company'. They promise more details to follow on who this new owner is!

Crann Tara Miniatures have revealed a rather spiffing redesigned website. So much easier to spend your money with them now!

And Great Escape Games have released the first figures in their new WW2 Hungarian range. These should complement their recent Romanian range rather nicely...

Hungarian Rifle Squad A (Great Escape Games)

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Avanpost added to Directory

Avanpost has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

From Russia, which seems to be a hotbed of new 28mm figure companies at the moment, Avanpost make ranges for the Thirty Years War and the Napoleonic Wars. Both metal and resin figures are available, and look pretty stunning in the photos!