
Monday, 4 December 2017

20th Century listing

I have now completed the listing for the 20th Century.

It does not include WW1 and WW2 as these are so popular that they have their own lists. But if you are looking for figures for the Vietnam War, for example, or the Spanish Civil War, this list will point you in the right direction!

Find it on the '20th Century' tab!

Monday, 27 November 2017


I have now completed the detailed listing of First World War figures. This shows who makes what. So if, for example, you want early war Germans in spikey hats, this tells you which manufacturers you need to look at!

Please see the WW1 tab.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Dark Ages Tab

Just a quick note today to say that I have now completed the update of the Dark Ages lists on the 'Dark Ages' tab.

This incorporates new stuff that has been released, new manufacturers that have come to my attention, ranges under new ownership, and so on.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Update today...

A bit of a confusing one, today!

Rifraf Miniatures used to produce a couple of small ranges of Spanish Civil War figures and WW2 Greeks. However, their website has been down for quite some time.

A quick search around the web suggests that both ranges were purchased by Burns Miniatures, who don't appear to have a web presence either!

Enter Templar Wargames And Scenery . Among the many products they supply are 28mm figures for the Spanish Civil War and WW2 Greeks, listed as (Burns Miniatures). It would seem that these are the old Rifraf figures! As Templar say on their site that they produce all their items themselves, it implies that Templar now own Burns Miniatures.

Interestingly though, Templar also sell the 28mm Indian Mutiny range from Mutineer Miniatures. On the Mutineer Miniatures site there is a message that Templar will be stocking the Mutineer 28mm range, but the Mutineer 20mm range has been sold to Templar. This suggests that Mutineer still own the 28mm ranges, but are the figures actually produced on their behalf by Templar?

Anyway. If you are looking for Rifraf figures you know where to go....

Monday, 9 October 2017

Also added today...

Cibos Little Dudes is based in Switzerland, I believe.

They produce ranges for the Risorgimento, the Italian invasion of Abyssinia, and various modern African conflicts.

Added today...

Forlorn Hope Games has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

Although principally a fantasy and sci-fi company (which is how I managed to miss them out!), they also make a small range of historical figures. These include Far Eastern subjects, French and Indian Wars, and modern Somali pirates!

Heavy Archers (4 figures) (MIN1007)

Monday, 2 October 2017

Added to Directory

Eagles Of Empire has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

They produce a range of figures for the Franco-Prussian War, together with rules and flags for that conflict.

French Line Infantry   Box of 2 squads

French Line Infantry   Box of 2 squads

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Another addition today

Acheson Creations have also been added to the Directory today.

Although associated with making a large range of historical buildings and terrain features, they also appear to have a small range of figures. I can't find any mention on the website of their size or scale, but as their fantasy figures are 28mm I'm going to assume the historicals are as well!


Added to the Directory...

Watchful I Studio has been added to the Directory. Based in the USA, they produce an interesting, small but growing range of figures for the Far East.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Another addition

Another addition to the Directory today is Stoessis Heroes .

Based in Germany, they make a small range of WW2 character figures. Some are based on real people, some are fictional.

Oshiro Added

Oshiro Model Terrain have been added to the Directory.

They have been around for a while now, making some stunning buildings and terrain for the Far East. They have now branched out into making figures. Their first offerings are for the Boxer Rebellion, starting with Japanese troops.

The Boxer Rebellion certainly seems to be the latest 'hot' thing at the moment: this is the second new range for this period that I have listed in the last few days!

Anyway, here is a sample pic from the website...

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

New Manufacturer Added To Directory

Victorious Miniatures have been added to the Directory.

They are a new manufacturer, based in Britain. First releases are British figures for the war in Holland 1793 - 1795, and Chinese for the Boxer Rebellion at the end of the 19th Century.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Wartime Miniatures

Wartime Miniatures have been added to the Directory. They are an Australian company that produce WW2 Australian and Japanese figures, as well as 21st Century 'special forces' type figures.

WTM-AMF34: 28mm Late WWII Australian Medium Mortar + Crew

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Update complete!

Just a quick note that I have finished updating the Manufacturers Directory.

Yes! All 163 entries have been checked and all changes of range, ownership etc have been noted.

Next job is to update the period lists....

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

1898 Miniatures

Another new manufacturer has been added to the Directory.

1898 Miniatures are a Spanish company that produce figures for the Cuban War Of Independence and the Spanish-American War. Their website also has some useful information on the history of these conflicts, together with articles about modelling and painting.

They have a distribution deal with Empress Miniatures so you can also get the figures from there!

Infantería española avanzando, cuello vuelto, campaña

Monday, 4 September 2017

Warlord Games Buys Saxon Miniatures

Saxon Miniatures, makers of some nice Dark Ages figures, has been purchased by Warlord Games .

So, if you are wondering where they went, Warlord is the place to look!

Monday, 24 July 2017

Forgotten Front Miniatures added to Directory

Forgotten Front Miniatures are available via the Miniature Figurines website and comprise a small range of figures for WW1, WW2, and the interwar period.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Left Bank Workshops added to Manufacturers Directory

Left Bank Workshops has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

Based in Australia, Left Bank are distributed by Siege Works Studios and currently make ranges for the War of the Austrian Succession and the Napoleonic Wars.

I believe they bought the old Jacdaw range of figures, so this is the place to go if you are looking for them!

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Gringo 40s added to Directory

Another belated addition to the Manufacturers Directory today.

Gringo 40s make several ranges of figures, mostly focusing on North and South American subjects. They also have a range of Napoleonic figures that include less often seen things such as French Engineers of the Guard.

Well worth a look for beautifully sculpted figures of rarer subjects!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Bad Squiddo Games added to directory

Bad Squiddo Games have been added to the directory.

Bit of an oversight, this one. I thought I had already listed them!

For those that are unaware, Bad Squiddo is run by the estimable Dice Bag Lady and focuses on "believable female miniatures". As well as being a stockist for female figures made by all sorts of different manufacturers, they also produce their own ranges. At the moment the focus is on Viking shield maidens and WW2 Soviets.

There is loads of other stuff on the site, so it is well worth popping over for a nose round!

Female Soviet Sniper Team - Standing (2)

Female Soviet Command - Officer - Medic - Radio (3)

Thursday, 29 June 2017

New Releases from Gorgon Studios

Gorgon Studios have announced the release of a pack of four Viking shieldmaidens. Unlike most figures of this sort, they are realistic looking, with believable anatomy and clothing!

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

New range from Empress Miniatures

Empress Miniatures are launching a new World War 2 range. They are kicking off with some Americans, and there are Germans on the way. Can't do WW2 without Germans, can you?

They already do some nice Italians in their 1930s range, and have plans to incorporate these with their new WW2 figures.

As usual with Empress, the figures do look stunning!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Another new company!

The Miniature Company has been added to the Manufacturers Directory.

A new maker, based in Essex, they have a small range of Ancients featuring Indians and Persians at the moment. According to the website, a Dark Ages range is also on the way!

Here is a nice picture of an elephant from their website...

Indian Elephant and crew

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Three Armies

A new manufacturer has been added to the Directory.

Three Armies makes a range of Napoleonic figures for the French, Prussian and Spanish armies. Hence the name!

I believe Austrians and British are in the pipeline, making five armies. There is a lesson here about future-proofing your name when you start!

Anyway, I met the owner at Salute and he seems like a good bloke. Very enthusiastic about the period. The figures look nice, and an initial look indicates that they will fit in well with the general Perry/Victrix size of figure. When I have reduced my lead-pile a bit an order for some Spanish will be going in!

Here is a sample photo of some late-war French....

French Fusiliers 1812-15 Marching

Thursday, 27 April 2017


Just a quick post to say that after a long time inactive, I am returning to the blog!

The first task is to trawl through the Manufacturers Directory and update the details. I've made a start and hope to finish....eventually...

More to follow!